Bitcoin Birthdaystream invitation


Happy new year everybody! To start the year in a nice way we are going to celebrate the 13th birthday of Bitcoin is style, with the most awesome birthday party you have ever celebrated for Bitcoin.

On the 3rd of Januari 2009 Satoshi Nakamoto created the Bitcoin Genesisblock. Honklerhangout will celebrate this event all with a special Bitcoins 13th Birthdaystream and you are all invited to tune in that day! 

First off, you should check out the new studio that will be launched for the new year, we're sure you'll love it! The raffle wheel has got some extra grease and will be able to spin out those crypto prizes even smoother! Did you know the total value handed out last year topped 10.000 $? Let's see if we can get even higher this year!!

Our day is packed with interesting guests. Your favorite coindevelopers and streamers will come over to say hi and wish us a happy new year. This year we have decided to add something extra to the table, a crowdfund that will change the world forever.

The 13th birthday of Bitcoin is overshadowed by a global plandemic. We are organizing a 1.000.000 euro give-away that will change the global political landscape. 2022 will be the year that humanity liberates itself from an oppressive system that has been dominant for centuries. 

At 11.11 AM Liberland time, Yoshi Livo will kick of the day with an opening word, the full agenda of the day will be:

11.00 AM: Start: Johan, Freedomradio, Jongepier + Willem Engel

11.11  AM: Yoshi Livo: Happy Birthday Bitcoin! Introduction to 1.000.000 euro giveaway

12:00 PM: Eleonore Blanc: CryptoCanal Bitcoin Meet-up Amsterdam

13:00 PM: Gerrit Oerlemans: e-Gulden EFL Foundation

14:00 PM: Willem Engel:

15:00 PM: Toine Manders: Tax Lawyer and Vice-Chairman, International Alliance of Libertarian Parties

16:00 PM: Joel Valenzuela: Dash

17:00 PM: R.L. Bryer: 

18:00 PM: Erin Edwards :

19:00 PM: Adolf Honkler: HONK.CASH

20:00 PM: Joemar Taganna:

21:00 PM Paul Brooks: Liberland 

Make sure not to miss a single minute, because we are giving away ton's of crypto that day!!