Luminate True Creativity (LTC)
Thanks for visiting my blogwebsite. If it is your first time around, I've been speaking out in public about crypto since my bank closed my bank accounts in 2014 due to my involvement in crypto. I decided to take the big leap and move all my finance to crypto completely. Yoshi Livo is the name I invented for myself, to remind me on a daily basis about the goal I try to achieve by using crypto daily and try to avoid the use of debt currencies as much as I can. Yoshi Livo means Your Children Live On and is my addition to YOLO, You Only Live Once. I recognized the need of a narrative to persuade the overwhelming majority of society to participate with a different social contract, one based on voluntary interactions instead of force and exclusion. This is what I'm doing on this website, to create a narrative which allows for a much broader change to take place. Regardless of how much you may disagree of some of the opinions I hold, we share our time on this planet together and live with one another. All my texts resemble my honest opinions and experiences and I don't speak for anybody else but myself.
The problem to me is clear, but let me state my case once more: Debt currency creation leads to an ever expanding debt cycle which creates a monetary apartheid between the users of a currency and the creators of it.
What do I mean with monetary apartheid? Those who control the fiat printing press can decide when new currency enters the system, allowing for the manipulation of market cycles. It also creates opportunities to corrupt society by rewarding outcomes which favor a specific agenda. I spoke out about this corruption to my bank in 2014 and was quickly removed from any of their services. I have decided to call that bluff of the banks. I really do believe those institutions need us more than we need them. The way how we organize ourselves today really isn't that old and stems from Napoleon Bonaparte. It is outdate and reality has caught up with it. The internet allows us to organize differently, but because of demographics in western societies where I was born, the majority of people is not really interested in change because they have too much to loose and often receive very one sided information from legacy media which influences their decision making. Yes, our reproduction rate has been low for decades, which makes the older generations create the majority of the population. People who often have worked their entire lives for debt currencies all depend on some sort of government aid to manage their lives. Please understand, the narrative I create is complicated. I do not say those older generations made a mistake by transacting their life force energy for fractional reserve debt, it has allowed humanity a huge leap forward. I also do not say those who control the printing press are an evil group of villains. We as a species helped ourselves to evolve by gaining more knowledge about ourselves and our existence. Almost every place of the world map has now been surveilled and we can look deeper into the ocean and space than ever before. We gained massive knowledge about biology or mathematics and computer science is creating a new form of communication which now leads the way to a new monetary system. History shows us that once the monetary system of a society changes, the way of living also changes drastically and this is why I'm so super exited to be alive today, because that monetary change is happening right in the moment when I walk on this beautiful planet!
You can't believe how happy I was when I did my first Bitcoin transaction in 2012. It really was a hopeful moment and if I think about it long enough it brings tears to my eyes, even today. Over the years I started to understand not all about Bitcoin is great. Bitcoin works great for many use cases, but privacy is not one of them. Another issue is the limited amount of data the Bitcoin blockchain can process. All these issues can be solved and have been solved for the most part, its just that they can be inconvenient for people to use and it's not in their scope of attention. Another important note to make is how society has been corrupted by debt currency over the years, this also had a massive impact on the Bitcoin protocol and blockchain innovation in general.
Memecoins are hot, but my problem with most of them is: in my dictionary, most of them are actually tokens. DOGE is a nice exception to the rule and can now count on the spotlight of LTC to now shine bright like a diamond. Who doesn't remember the 4/20 KingHONKspiritSEE DOGEcoin special which resulted in one of the biggest give aways in the history of the stream with 3000$ worth of prizes in 42 hours time? I love the statement of Elon Musk where he say's he bought DOGE to make crypto more transactable. DOGE and LTC do have one big difference though, which is called tail emission. At current pricelevel the total value of this tail emission for DOGEcoin comes down to about 5 million dollars per day, this is why the fair value principle I take into consideration when I make the offer for the Liberland Marina works different for both coins. I calculate from a satoshi perspective, or to be even more accurate, a Christiaan Huygens perspective. Because Litecoin represents my silver to the digital gold of the internet, Bitcoin, it already has it's satoshivalue equilibrium, where as DOGEcoin's fair value will be based on the activity of the community. Litecoin's tokenomics leans more toward a use case as store of value, where DOGEcoin's tokenomics suggest it is more suitable to be used as a fixed inflating currency. I have once again adjusted my DOGE/EFL offer on the komodo platform. The total number of DOGEcoin you will trade with me for eGulden EFL is now as low as 2.20371 million DOGE! I have also opened a new order based on current market price for litecoin LTC. On the EFL/LTC market a order has been placed for a total of 10.000 eGulden EFL. Any which memecoin community who completes the full funding for the Liberland Marina will get rewarded with the abbreviation of their coin as the first characters in the name of the Liberland Marina, for the Department Of Government Efficiency that will be DOGE, for Luminate True Creativity that will be LTC. The Liberland Marina tokens on ZANO remains unchanged at a valuation of 10$ per ZANO to complete a 3D model of the marina project, but because the actual price of ZANO is currently trading below that level, all 3000 tokens LLM tokens will be offered for 3000 ZANO or a total of 30.000$. Please be aware all valuations have been manually created. I can make this proposal with a straight face and believe I'm creating a win-win situation.
To celebrate this moment I even made my very own meme for the occasion, which is completely free to share around and just for the memes, imagine a world where bitcoin becomes so expensive to use the main countervalue of DOGE shifts to LTC :)

All of that with on top the knowledge I will build a Liberland Marina by utilizing my Efficient Financial Life, EFL, which by the way really refers to the Dutch currency used before the euro replaced it, Gulden. The more I'm able to utilize EFL, the more likely I will beat my fellow communitycoiners to the punch when it comes to highlighting a social aspect of crypto to make clear the Department Of Government Efficiency is not just an American issue, but needs to happen in many more countries!
This year I've already been able to help my friend by completing a Proof Of Community. It's all fun and games, these crypto memes, but instead of stacking sats, I prefer to utilize them and make significant change to the way how we organize society. I think it's a complete package, YOLO + YCLO = [ :) + <3 ]², Liberland, EFL all come together in my expression of Yoshi Livo. The offers are open, I'm looking for a job as a living meme, because just heating my stove and cooking myself nice food feels so selfish sometimes. Who is going to explain all those people who trust their tv what is really going on? I'm right here, come watch the next stream when I add this text to my highlight reel and try again to Liberate Total Cryptospace.from marximalistic tribalism, while enjoying our temporary human experience of all being one on this planet to the maximum. Follow me on X, or join the chat on Telegram to receive a notification when I broadcast or if you want to send any messages. Crypto needs to be spend, until it has completely replaced traditional debt currencies. We are with such a small minority of people today, I'm ready to lead by example who will support the effort will reap the benefits, The game is ON!