AE Gulden Opportunity!
Hey everybody!
It's me again, Liberlander Yoshi Livo. It has been silent for some time, you must think to yourself, doesn't this guy has a Liberland Marina to build? Well, yes, ofcourse! The Liberland Marina tokensale on ZANO is active, I even balanced out my exposure to the privacy play by launching 2 different XRPL tokens and experimented a bit. The cryptomarkets have been absolutely wild since the last story, with Bitcoin even breaking it's inflation adjusted all time high of 2021 as we speak. I have adjusted the DOGEcoin offer on the Komodo platform, so that the amount of EFL stays the same, and the amount of requested DOGEcoin is cut more then in half. From the initial 10 million DOGE open order in the EFL/DOGE orderbook on the Komodo platform less then 3.5 million DOGE currently remain. The price of DOGE has more than doubled in just a matter of week! This is why I believe the offer now got even twice as good as before, this will become the best performing sub 3.5 million DOGE investment in the world! The token on ZANO also needs a new evaluation and now goes for the value of 10$ instead of the previous 5$ out of a total of 3000 tokens, 1000 tokens will be burned so that total funding request becomes 20.000$ instead of the previous 15.000$
The real news I want to update you about, is that I recently became uncle and visited my family for the first time in 5 years! My sister gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby daughter Olivia on October 29th and I felt like it was the perfect opportunity for me to escape the US elections cycle completely. The aftermath of the most recent and successfully completed Proof of Community has been intense and really is changing my life. The same goes for holding such a beautiful baby as Olivia. Your Children Live On has been my life motto for almost 10 years. I even menaged to get the name Yoshi Livo on my Liberland passport, but I haven't been much of a family man myself. I got plenty of other achievements though, I'm not complaining, but holding such a cute little creature just melts my heart. My time will come, I can already feel it. Im so happy and positive about the future, so far this is a great start to the winter.

It was really nice to be able to see everybody, but at the same time, I'm also glad to be back. I can't express how lucky I praise myself to be living in the Liberland Opposition Headquarters, some 20 miles out of Liberland. I'm really looking forward to the 10 year Liberland anniversary, who knows what it might have in store for us.
Really, buying that house and visiting family really made it's impact. It was over 6 years that I saw everybody and I thought about what happened in those years and how I now own a home near Liberland! A large milestone has been achieved, because it was the first time to my knowledge a communitycoin funded a large purchase like that. I now recently got back home and stockpiled enough wood to last the winter and yesterday gave me the perfect reason for the blogpost of today. A documentary premiered and it is going to be the next special in our series of streams. It's already getting colder, so I guess in the upcoming months there is more reason to stream compared to the hot months of the summer.
I've become more confident, less needy of confirmation of others. You do you and we will see what the future will bring. I hold to my fair value principle and satoshi cost average myself further into Litecoin, because now that it has declared itself a memecoin, it's can't be forever that somebody YOLO's a couple 1000 litecoins on their MIMBLEWIMBLE extension block, or as some like to call it, Privacy Money, to keep it simple for the consumer. Because for as long as the world population is addicted to debt, there is no reason for anybody to hold any crypto at all other than personal financial gain. The ECB is warning about it in one of its latest papers, but keep their opinion compared to gold completely out of the equation. For me the comparison to gold is not even what it is about, we need a population that is able to make proper financial decisions instead of centralized institutions who will take care for everybody's benefit, creating Marximalistic tribalism and divide and conquer morality amongst crypto participants.
The world economy is too complex for 1 blockchain, we also need to welcome human creativity and allow for experiments, even if that means a lot of scams take place in the process. I speak out about eGulden EFL as Bitcoin of the Netherlands. A layer 2 for Bitcoin which can service a more social aspect of crypto. I don't need approval to believe hyperinflation and poor education currently provide for a once in a lifetime opportunity on various crypto markets. I will happily collect a few of those cheap litecoins below one milli, At the moment i write this text the price is back to 1000 litecoins per bitcoin. Also BCH is setting all time lows against BTC now that BTC is setting new dollar highs. I've stated before how I like to support Elon Musk when he said he bought DOGE to make crypto more useable as a payment and this is still the reason why the funds for the Liberland Marina project is being collected with DOGE with help of the Komodo platform.
Let's be clear, I don't need to build myself a harbor, but the locals will like to see some more spots available for their boats and it's the perfect starter of a much broader conversation about success and life. I believe I'm making a profitable proposition, and on top of everything you will get Yoshi Livo to spend some time building a Liberland Marina. I've got enough interesting stuff to share, what about this for example?
A follow up to the first part of the primordial code, which resulted in my most popular blogpost last year. I really enjoy the way how Marijn presents his story. Dare to question everything, how to express that in a video without losing the plot completely? It's a very fine line and I think Marijn is skating on it tremendously well. I watched it live while the docu had it's premiere and during the parts about structured water for example, some of the audience couldn't help themselves but to make some comment in the chat on how it was all a load of crap. I must admit, I also would have liked to see 4 seeds in the small experiment taking place, for a bigger sample size of that test, but this movie is completely not about that specific topic at all. When part 1 came out it was not presented as a trilogy, but now that part two mentions a third episode, it sure must feel nice for Marijn to have the feeling the full message needs one more episode to complete and to have that last episode in mind and see the ending. I've been now happily surprised twice and the excitement for part 3 already makes this one of the best things I watched in my life. I can just really relate to the feeling with the idea that Marijn has, how much of the reality we experience today has been influenced, or expressed more strongly, regulated. This influenced reality tries to make the future predictable, by laying their terms on the table. As long as we acquiesce the future is predictable and I keep on being surprised by how predictable the future really is. People are terribly stuck in their line of thinking, in their way of dealing with life. I'm not blaming anybody, I just can't believe I still have all this free time on my hand, to enjoy, as selfish as I want to spend it.
Anyway, it's great to be back, I got some plans for the new season of streams and so far the season on rumble is off to a great start. As soon as I have more news I will certainly share it.